Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008


I stood there under the stars (11:58 PM) 27/6/08

The chilly wind tickling my mind

Thence began – I know not dream or farce

Let loose a string of laughter did I


Fades away slow, the silly goofy grin

Thinner grows the air with moving time

Weakening echoes give way to eerie sounds

The rings of laughter rendered metallic


Days of recent past flit – mocking in glee

The smiles on the faces drew taunt the gloom

For with each smile did each one thus lose

Traces of what doth lie within


The crumbling soil beneath bare toes

Did bring me back from pallid thoughts

Thence reeked in sweat – reality dawned

I blinked – Metallic laughter sliced the silent sky (12:33 AM) 28/6/08