My Quest for the star!
There are times when I stare into the empty sky and wonder as to whether is a limit to the wide expanse to the world that surrounds us? When I was a kid I used to love cycling, and I used to whizz past every patch of land I could find in the middle of the night! Yeah! Night time was my time.
Once I was riding really fast I saw that the stars were a fast moving array of confusion, one seemingly connected to another like and intricate weave of white light.
Years have passed and today when I stand the same way and stare up to the stars, there are no stars up there....only an empty expanse stared down onto me. For I have come to realize over these years that in my haste to do so many things in so little a time, I have somewhere lost my way and moved or rather drifted into a world where there are no stars. And it soon became clearer to me as to where my star had disappeared off to...I had forgotten the essense of who I was, the reason for my existence was lost amongst the dark black tresses of ignorance.
Then along my path where I lay lost confused and parched, came a cool breeze, one that I was unaccostomed to, one that I hadn't felt for a long long time...
Hmm...I wonder and turn back trying to see beyond the breeze into the flicker of light behind the curtain of smoke. And there slowly but steadily in the dark black sky did flicker - My Shining star